Treatment Options For Men

Today, more men are realizing that cosmetic procedures can help them look their best and feel more confident. But it’s important to choose a plastic surgeon and aesthetic team who understands the different techniques required for both nonsurgical body contouring and surgical facial rejuvenation for men.

From one man to the next, our “Focused for You” approach offers nonsurgical options like laser treatments and Ultherapy® as well as facelift surgery, rhinoplasty, and other facial plastic surgery options for men from Harrisburg, York, Lancaster, and surrounding south central Pennsylvania communities. Each of these treatment options is tailored specifically to balance, complement, and enhance the features of individual patients.


To find out more about surgical and nonsurgical options for facial and body rejuvenation for men, contact Stratis Gayner Plastic Surgery in Harrisburg, PA, request a consultation or by phone at (717) 728-1700.

Today, men are more inclined to actively improve and maintain their appearance. The several reasons for this range from having a fresh face to provide an edge in the job market, to achieving a more toned and sculpted physique to boost popularity on social media, to even attracting potential partners through online dating platforms where users are expected to post multiple pictures.

To explore some of the top surgical and nonsurgical options, hover over a procedure in the graphic to find out what it is, and click if you would like to learn more.

Facial Procedures for Men

We understand that each man is unique in his specific aesthetic goals. Our extensive range of treatments can refine existing features, prevent or treat signs of aging, and provide a healthier, rejuvenated appearance overall. While nearly all of our treatments can be performed on both men and women, the application must be tailored specifically for men.

For example, the wrinkle-reducing neuromodulator BOTOX® Cosmetic comes in the same formulation no matter who the patient is, but the amount used and where it is injected varies from patient to patient. BOTOX, for example, can reduce the appearance of fatigue, rather than trying to look 10 years younger. The goal of male facial rejuvenation involves an overall refreshment but may leave a select few facial lines behind to enhance an aura of maturity.

Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the United States, and the techniques differ between men and women. Men tend to appreciate a stronger, straighter, and less narrow nose, and may require a specific approach to accommodate thicker or oilier skin.

Other popular procedures for the face include eyelid surgery, dermal fillers, facelift, face and neck liposuction, and Ultherapy.

Procedures for Men
 Before & After Photos

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Case: 1 of 2
Before & After Eyelid Surgery Case 223 Front View in Harrisburg, PA
Before & After
Case: 1 of 1

This 64-year-old patient turned to eyelid surgery in Harrisburg, seeking relief from the heaviness and bagginess that was plaguing his lower eyelids. His primary motivation was to regain a more youthful appearance, feeling that the bags under his eyes were adding unnecessary years to his look. He decided on the elective procedure of lower eye... Read More

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Body Procedures for Men

Body contouring procedures also focus on specific areas for enhancement or reduction. While most women favor an hourglass figure, our male clients tend to prefer a more tapered physique.

Fat reduction options typically focus on areas where men tend to develop fat over time, such as the spare tire and love handles. For those men who are within a healthy weight range but struggle to contend with diet- and exercise-resistant fat, nonsurgical sculpting treatments can include CoolSculpting and Kybella® doubl-chin injections.

Men considering facial cosmetic plastic surgery travel from Lancaster and York, PA, to our Harrisburg practice to have Dr. Gayner perform their procedures. To discuss your surgical or nonsurgical options request a consultation using the online form or call our office directly at (717) 728-1700.


A Reputation Built on Results

We all age, but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. With the help of the experienced and extremely...
Dr. Gayner is an experienced facial plastic surgeon and is able to perform many procedures in the office....
I am 6 weeks post op and have healed beautifully. My results exceeded my expectations. Having a smooth...
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