Facial Liposuction

If you’re bothered by excess fat, it’s probably not just in one area of your body. In fact, many people are concerned about excess fat on their face as well. Excess facial fat usually presents as a double chin, a thick neck, or chubby cheeks. Unfortunately, losing weight might not help; in many, these fat deposits are due to genetics or aging. That’s why Dr. Scott Gayner, a top board-certified facial plastic surgeon, performs facial liposuction in Harrisburg for men and women from Lancaster and York, PA, and other nearby cities.

Facial Liposuction
 Before & After Photos

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Case: 1 of 5
Before & After Facial Liposuction Case 225 Right Side View in Harrisburg, PA
Before & After
Case: 1 of 4

This patient, an active woman eager to maintain a more youthful visage, sought Facial Liposuction in Harrisburg to address stubborn fat beneath her chin. Her lifestyle was active, yet achieving the defined facial contour she desired was out of her reach. Recognizing this, she opted for an elective medical procedure: Submental Liposuction. By... Read More
Before & After Facial Liposuction Case 35 View #1 View in Harrisburg, PA
Before & After
Case: 1 of 4

This patient sought a Facial Liposuction in Harrisburg to address concerns about her undefined jaw line. The woman desired a more sculpted appearance in that area, which can contribute to a younger and healthier look. She decided to elect the procedure in pursuit of these aesthetic goals, an increasingly popular choice in the realm of facial... Read More
Before & After Facial Liposuction Case 34 View #1 View in Harrisburg, PA
Before & After
Case: 1 of 4

Choosing Facial Liposuction as an elective medical procedure often stems from the desire for a fresher, younger, and more refined appearance. For this active female patient in the above images, her primary goal was to reduce the amount of fat beneath her chin. After careful consideration, she decided on Facial Liposuction in Harrisburg at Str... Read More
Before & After Facial Liposuction Case 36 View #1 View in Harrisburg, PA
Before & After
Case: 1 of 4

Drawn to enhance her overall facial profile, the female patient featured above elected to undergo Facial Liposuction in Harrisburg with renowned expert, Scott Gayner, M.D. The undesired accumulation of fat under her chin prompted the patient to explore cosmetic intervention in her quest for augmented self-confidence and an elevated self-image... Read More

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

To discuss the improvements that can be achieved with facial liposuction, request a consultation with face-focused Dr. Gayner online or call our office at (717) 728-1700.

As a facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Gayner has the specific education, skill, and experience to best use liposuction in the smaller, delicate areas of the face and neck. He can ensure that your procedure is safe and produces an attractive result.

Why Have Facial Liposuction?

Facial liposuction should not dramatically alter the appearance of your face. Instead, it should refine your facial contours. Reasons for having the procedure include:

  • Younger patients may choose the procedure because they feel like excess fat in their face and neck makes them look overweight when they are not.
  • Older patients often choose to combine their facial liposuction with a facelift for both slimming and rejuvenation.


Invasive vs non-invasive treatment for submental fullness

At Stratis Gayner Plastic Surgery, we strive to provide patients with safe, tailored, and effective approaches to address their concerns. Often, losing weight and related measures aren’t enough to reduce fat under the chin or on the neck, so fat cells must physically be removed. While liposuction is an immediately effective surgical solution, we also offer non-surgical options that take effect over a period of time, such as KYBELLA® and Ultherapy®. Dr. Gayner can help you decide which option is best for your goals.


A Focus on
Facial Plastic Surgery

Board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Scott Gayner has extensive specialized training in facial surgery and is at the forefront of innovative facial rejuvenation techniques.

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The Facial Liposuction Procedure

Due to the development of technologically advanced methods of liposuction (such as Smartlipo and AccuSculpt laser liposuction), most facial liposuction patients do not require general anesthesia. Instead, the procedure can be performed under sedation and local anesthesia. Should the chin and neck require treatment, a small incision will be hidden in the crease below the chin so that it will not be noticeable. Through the incision, a tiny tube will be inserted, through which fat cells will be removed. The whole procedure should take less than an hour.

Facial Liposuction Recovery and Results

To protect surgical results and ensure a smooth recovery, Dr. Gayner recommends that his patients take as much time as they need before returning to work and their other activities. For most patients this is just several days. It’s typical to experience some swelling and bruising, but this should dissipate almost completely after about a week to 10 days.

If you choose Dr. Gayner as your facial liposuction surgeon in Pennsylvania, you can rest assured that you will see results that look naturally slimmer and more balanced, especially if the rest of your body has been slimmed through diet, exercise or body contouring surgery. If you’re interested in slimming your body as well as your face, Dr. Gayner’s partner Dr. John Stratis is a body-focused, board-certified plastic surgeon and can discuss your body contouring options with you.

A Reputation Built on Results

We all age, but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. With the help of the experienced and extremely...
Dr. Gayner is an experienced facial plastic surgeon and is able to perform many procedures in the office....
I am 6 weeks post op and have healed beautifully. My results exceeded my expectations. Having a smooth...
Cual es el costo de una lipotransferencia
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